14 July 2006

0 Days Left!

Yes....even though I am moving today, I'm still blogging! Everything but my laptop is packed and ready to go. I guess you could say that I have now effectively transitioned to the world of "Geekdom". Dan must be so proud!

I can't believe that today has finally arrived. My stomach is in knots and there's a myriad of emotions running though me: excitement, nervousness, and even a little sadness. For the first time in my life, I will be living without my parents. I know that this is rare for a 25 year old, but I guess it's because I come from a fairly conventional family. Both my brother and I lived at home throughout University so that we would not accumulate student debt. We both put ourselves through University and managed to come out with top marks and some extra cash in our bank accounts. When I think about it, it was a pretty sweet deal - no room and board to pay and plenty of opportunity to save. If it weren’t for my parents, I probably wouldn't have been able to afford a new house at this age. I've never regretted living at home, looking back it was probably the wisest decision that I've ever made. And maybe its maturity setting in, but I've recently come to realize that parents are not all monsters. True that we may not always see eye to eye, but they are human, they have their faults too....and they’re family. Not seeing them everyday will be quite an adjustment (both good and bad).

Today is going to be an absolute nightmare. I'm not looking forward to the prospect of lugging things around. I think Dan and I will let out a collective sigh of relief when everything is inside the new place. I've heard that moving is one of life's major stresses.....I totally concur!

Right now it's only 8:00 am and I'm desperately trying to keep my mind active. Sleep was next to impossible. The next few hours are going to drag on and on because we don't get the moving truck until noon. As luck would have it, Dan had to attend a business meeting this morning....go figure....

I guess I better go and find something constructive to do. I'm reluctant to pack up my computer because it is the only personal thing left in my room. There's nothing sadder looking than an empty room...especially one that you've lived in all your life. But...it's time to go, time to grow up and move on with the next stage of life. I'm looking forward to my future with Dan and that truly overshadows everything else.

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