13 August 2008

Melancholy muscles...

A word to the wise from the not so wise, never attempt a vigorous free weight session the day after starting a new aerobics routine. My muscles are positively screaming this morning. And here I thought that I couldn’t possibly find more parts of my body to torture…turns out I was wrong.

I’ve been a little more lax with my exercise routine this summer. Being on the run all the time, means less weight sessions than I originally anticipated. I usually manage to fit in at least one session per week with cardio thrown in everyday, but I would like to up my free weight sessions to a minimum 2-3 times / week. I really find that weight training gives me that extra boost – I have more energy, I’m more flexible, and it really tones and defines the entire body. However, miss a few training days and “look out!” Muscles have an uncanny way of letting you know that you’ve been neglecting them; they also don’t appreciate being overworked. Treat them well and they will treat you well; ignore or abuse them and they’ll be reluctant to help you out when you need them most…fair enough I suppose.

I guess my own muscles were trying to deliver a message after yesterday’s overambitious workout. “Thanks muscles; I get it…but do you really have to make putting on underarm deodorant such an agonizing experience in the early morning?” I’m also enjoying the throbbing sensation between my ribs and my pectoral muscles. I’ve been spending a good chunk of my morning trying rub my aching upper chest without drawing my coworkers attention, least they think I’m some sort of pervert who enjoys expressions of ‘self love’ at the office...

The good thing about all this pain is that I can at least be certain that I have given my body a good workout. I can only pray that my partners at tonight’s swing dance lesson will be merciful and not thrown me around the floor too violently. On second thought, maybe a healthy dose of precautionary Robaxacet might be a good idea…

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