12 August 2009

Things are moving fast

Hubby spoke with the mortgage broker last evening and he has already started the ball rolling on our preapproval; he is also looking into whether we can feasibly carry two mortgages in the event that our house stays on market longer than anticipated. I certainly hope it doesn’t come to this worst case scenario but it’s always good to make sure you can support yourself in the event that it does happen. I’m trying not to sweat it too much right now as there should be a few different options to consider. Other people go through this all the time and I’m sure we’ll survive as well.

Tonight I’m taking Mom and Dad to see the model home. On Friday my brother’s Mother-In-Law will be coming over to give hubby and I a free market assessment on our home. We have lucked out by having an experienced real-estate agent in the extended family. I’m certainly hoping that we won’t have to pump much more money into the home to get top resale value; we have done many upgrades as is and I’m hoping we’ll fetch a good price on the market with what we have now. The only things I may consider doing, is adding backsplash in the kitchen and replacing our white fume hood with a black one.

Busy times! I can’t wait until everything is in order and we can seal the deal. I still want to cry every time I look at our brand new nursery that baby will only get to enjoy for 6 months of his life. He may not have chair rail in his new abode, but I take comfort in the fact that he’ll probably appreciate the bigger space much more. We'll still keep the zoo theme going and bring all the fabrics and decorations with us, the wall colour will just be plainer to start.

Want to see more photos of the layout? I found a local realestate agent that recently sold the same model -
check it out!

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