05 October 2009

Day one of captivity

Day one of playing “housewife” and my left foot is already the size of a small tree trunk. So what exactly did I do with my first day of freedom? I spent it tidying and cooking up a feast for the crock pot. I won’t bore you with all the details (because it honestly wasn’t all that exciting) but I’m happy to report that I now have enough tasty leftovers of Spicy Cuban Turkey Stew for two post-baby meals. My freezer is starting to fill up nicely.

Tomorrow I think I will treat myself by renting a movie. Hospital bags are packed and good to go. For now, it’s a matter of finding something to do every day to keep my mind off “Bean”. I’m hoping he will let me make it to Thanksgiving dinner with the family, but he’s more than welcome to appear after I’ve had my fill of turkey and apple pie.

Off for a walk with hubby now – got to keep moving so that my legs and muscles stay nice and strong for the big work ahead. The baby is definitely starting to sit lower now, which makes my best attempt at power walking look more like a power waddle. My interesting gait is further helped by the fact that I only have two pairs of old dilapidated shoes that still feet my feet. I have actually been wearing an old pair of beat up loafers that I usually reserve for the Halloween dummy that I build every year – très sexy, n’est-ce pas?

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