15 August 2011

Butterflies in my tummy...

And not the good kind of butterflies…

Tomorrow is surgery day. This time tomorrow I’ll be lying on a guerney with my throat cut open. It’s not the nicest image so I’ll try not to dwell on it too much.

They will be removing half of my thyroid to find out, once and for all, if a pesky nodule is cancerous or not. If all goes well, the results from the pathology report will come back with benign written on it. Unfortunately, while I’m recovering from the surgery, I’ll have the weight of the impending results on my mind. No frozen section biopsies offered here. They want a full examination of the nodule and surrounding tissue. The results will likely take two weeks to come back.

I have no idea what to expect. I hate surgery and faint very easily coming out of anesthesia. I’ll likely be completely useless coming home from the hospital. In a way, I hope I am released late so that Drew will already be in bed for the night. I don’t want him seeing me in that condition. Poor hubby is in for a rough ride.

Nothing much else to post right now. Just feeling nervous and tired…VERY tired of having this weigh me down. It has been almost three years now and I feel emotionally spent. I have put a brave face on for a while now but I would be lying if I didn’t say it bothers me. I just want to move on with life, have a clean bill of health and get back to enjoying things again.

Please cross fingers and toes for me and say your prayers. I’ll be sure to post some gruesome recovery shots later ; )

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